Sometimes in life it is the simple things that bring the most pleasure.
One of the cool things that came with this truck was the key chain. It has nothing to do with the car, but it just feels like it oozes history. The hand done kanji characters, over a wooden slug with faded print on it just brightens my day every time I see it. Odds are this was hanging on a wall at some shop, and was only grabbed by an anonymous worker when a quick pickup or delivery run of goods was necessary. It was utilitarian, with markings that belie the age and history of the truck in a utilitarian way.

But in its short time with me, I have seen the white start to fade. As I hold it in my pocket, the history is starting to fade, and so I had to try and preserver it. Day-to-day, we now use a new key chain with the Subaru logo. It doesn’t have the history or provenance, but it preserves it in its own way.

Regardless, as I grab the new blue fob, I still get a smile on my face, as I know I get to go out and about in Tyny Truck.